Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday 7th March 2008

A wild day... way too much risk... Got out pretty well considering. Thank goodness for the weekend! It was still a good week.


I keep getting asked for chart/analysis of my trades... so here's my most disciplined trade Friday:

Chart of the Day

At 1pm, took the 3 minute mini inverse pup, added some more on the 15 period touch, pared out for a good gain at the 20-band cross, then added some more on the 3 minute inv pup. Got out on the panic leans at 1:48pm for +0.50.


Anonymous said...

I thought you had a holy grail? WTF?

EquineTrader said...

yes, well... I decided to waive that right today obviously... I never learn... if I'd stuck to the plan the result was +680... it was my dumb dead zone gamble that killed me... still +1350 for the week, so it was ok...

EquineTrader said...

ps.. the dumb deadzone gamble equivilated to = -1200 in one trade... I can post it if you like... damn me :)

casio said...

you should post it. you nearly only post P&L. what's the point of a trader's blog if only profits and losses are listed?

EquineTrader said...

I'll start doing "Chart of the Day" again next week... they're really boring though, unless I do something stupid, ie take too much risk.

casio said...

i know what you mean, but it's at least nice to know what sort of stocks people are trading: from penny stocks to stocks over $100. it's also helpful, both for you and the reader, to see entry and exit strategy for both good and bad plays.

sometimes i'm just curious what stocks people are watching.

EquineTrader said...

I added the chart/analysis to Friday's... enjoy.