Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday 3rd March 2008

It's started well...

Today I was disciplined, scalped well... got in a very good rythm in the afternoon.

Just caught the TMA news too... BOOM!!



Anonymous said...

Good job have found the Holy Grail and it is you. Always have faith in yourself no matter what anyone else says.'s your money if it's gonna be lost at least you should be the one losing it. Keep up the good work and stick to your plan.

EquineTrader said...


Wrong. It's not me. If the holy grail was me, I'd be bankrupt. Check the comments in the post below to get more on track...

offtheglass said...

Very interesting blogs. I too started trading when I was in college. Not many are fortunate enough to start trading when young. I put your blog on my fav blogs.

good luck